Karolina Wojtas (ur. 1996-2023) jest fotografką. Absolwentką Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Filmowej, Telewizyjnej i Teatralnej w Łodzi oraz w czeskiego Instytu Twórczej Fotografii w Opawie. Żyje w kolorowym świecie eksperymentu i niekończącej się zabawy. Czerpie z dziecięcych fantazji i wspomnień. Inspiracją mogą stać się dla niej bałagan w ogrodzie dziadka albo wielka ślizgawka. Przez jej wystawy nie da się przemknąć, bywają zasypane brokatem albo balonami, ale można poczuć się na nich jak dziecko – pobawić się, porzucać i pobazgrać. Latem 2019 roku otworzyła swoje własne muzeum w rodzinnej wsi na Podkarpaciu.
Generalnie to teraz siedzę, jem czipsy i pije cole. pozdrawiam :)
Karolina Wojtas ( 1996, PL) draws from the imagination of children and transforms this material into walk-in installations. She graduated from Lodz Film School in Poland and Institute of Creative Photography in the Czech Republic. In the summer of 2019, she opened her own museum in home village in Poland.
Wojtas has exhibited her works in many solo and group exhibitions in Poland and inter- nationally (Foam in Amsterdam (2021), Noorderlicht International Photo Festival (2020), Gallery Naga in Warsaw (2020), Bratislava Month of Photography (2019). Among awards and acknowledgements for her work are the nomination for EMoP Arendt Award 2023, reGener- ation 4: The Challenges of Photography and its Museum for Tomorrow in Musée de l’Elysée, a special mention at Plat(f)orm 2020 in Fotomuseum Winterthur, winning C/O Berlin Award (2022), the ING Unseen Talent Award (2019), Amsterdam, and the Tiff Open (2018) at Tiff Festival Wrocław. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, Internazionale, The British Journal of Photography, Lampoon Magazine, L’uomo Vogue, Superpaper, Tampon – Ordinary Magazine, Causette, and Das Magazin Switzerland.

2009-2015 - High School of Art - Jarosław, Poland
2014-2015 - Academy of Photography, Kraków, Poland
2015-2021 - MA - Photography, Lodz Film School, Łódź, Poland
2016-2020 - BA -Photography, Insitute of Cretive Photography in Opava, Czech Republic
2022 - now - MA - Psychology, School of Business National Louis University, Poland
2022 - Fabrica - United Colors of Benetton, Treviso , Italy
2022 - H - The Notion of Humanist Photography, Kaunas Photography Gallery, Latvia
2021 - Karolina Wojtas – artist in (office) residence- The ING Polish Art Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
2021 - FFWRS 2021 - W Ramach Sopotu, Sopot, Poland
2023 - Gold Sword KTR 2023 - CRAFT - Photography - Art Projects
2022 - shortlisted The Rencontres d’Arles Book Award 2023
2022 - European Month of Photography Award, nomination
2022 - C/O Berlin Talent Award 2022, winner
2022 - Cover awArts 2021 - Decybele Dizajnu, The Best Cover, Kacperczyk Kryzys Wieku Wczesnego
2021 - Florentine Riem Vis Grant - Foam Amsterdam
2020 - reGeneration 4 The Challenges of Photography and its Museum for Tomorrow, Musée de l’Elysée, Nomination
2020 - Plat(f )orm 2020 - Special mention, Fotomuseum Winterthur,
2019 - Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Poland
2019 - ING Unseen Talent Award 2019, winner, Amsterdam
2019 - Talent of the year, PixHouse, Poznań, nomination
2019 - Bird in Flight Prize’19 - shortlisted
2019 - Publication of the year 2019, shortlist “kwas kwas kwas” Łódź
2018 - Portfolio review winner, Bratislava Month of Photohgraphy
2018 - Talent of the year, PixHouse, nomination , Poznań
2018 - Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Poland
2018 - TIFF OPEN 2018 - Tiff Festival Wrocław, winner
2017 - ShowOFF - Kraków Photo Month, winner
2023 - Short and lamentable love story, Galeria Entropia , 20th Media Art Biennale WRO 2023, Poland
2023 - FUNreal , Here Becomes Elsewhere, Fabrica, Catena di Villorba TV, Italy
2023 - Abzgram ,C/O Berlin Talent Award, C/O Berlin, Germany
2022 - Wpływ próżni na organizmy żywe, Karolina Wojtas & Maciek Cholewa, DOMIE, Poznań , Poland
2022- Coming Soon ,Fotogalleri Vasli Souza, Oslo , Norway
2022 - Kolonie, Karolina Wojtas & Maciek Cholewa - Gdańska Galeria Miejska Gdańsk, Poland
2022- We Can’t Live - Without Each other - 3h - Foam Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2021- Paris Photo 2021 - Grand Palais Éphémère, Fotogalleri Vasli Souza - Curiosa sector, Paris, France
2020 - Abzgram, Warsaw Gallery Weekend, Instytut Fotografii Fort, Warsaw, Poland
2020 - Ponny - Fundacja Pełkińska XX Czartoryskich - Zamek w Pełkiniach, Poland
2020 - We Can’t Live - Without Each other , Galeria Naga -Warsaw, Poland
2019 - Abzgram , Galeria F7, Bratislava Month of Photography, Slovakia
2019 - The Extremely Rich Fauna of the Local Area, FotoArtFestival in Bielsko-Biała, Poland
2019 - Abzgram, Muzełum w Pełkiniach, Poland
2019 - The Extremely Rich Fauna of the Local Area, Muzełum w Pełkinach, Poland
2018 - Train to knowledge, TIFF Festival 2018 / Cooperation, Galeria u Agatki Wrocław, Poland
2017 - The Extremely Rich Fauna of the Local Area, ShowOFF - Kraków Photo Month, Poland
ING Art Collection Netherlands, Arendt & Medernach,
Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, Private Collection
It’s Okay to Cry, UGM | Maribor Art Gallery, Slovenia
Rethinking Identity, MNAC - Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea, Lisboa, Portugal
Refugees Welcome - Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland
Looking for Trouble – Contemporary Photography from Central-Eastern Europe, Galleri Image, Aarhus, Denmark
Geometria, SI-Fest, Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy
#NOW, Fotofestiwal, Art_Inkubator, Łódź, Poland
Rethinking Identity - EMOP Arendt Award 2023" Arendt ,Luxemburg
Rethinking Identity, Family, Community, Cercle Cité, Emoplux, Luxembourg
Mirror of Self, Hangar Photo Art Center, Ixelles, Belgium
Out of Joint, New Collectors Gallery, New York, United States
How to Make a School?, Śluza Gallery, Poznań, Poland
Poland State of Emergency, Berlin ZAK – Center for Contemporary Art at Zitadelle Spandau, Berlin, Deutschland
Abzgram - COMMON GROUNDING- Fotograf Festival #12, Galerie Hraničář , Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
OTHERWORLDING, Fabrica, Catena di Villorba TV, Italy
Kwas Amok, Festiwal Fotografii Plener Żory, Poland
THE DISCOMFORT OF EVENING, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warszawa , Poland
Common Opava - Fotofestiwal 2022, Łodź, Poland
Komunia 2000, Opening of showroom , Piotrkowska 217, Łodź, Poland
Armada – KRÓLESTWO, Kowalsky Gallery, Bochnia, Poland
What a Fabulous Place We Are in, Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, Poland
How to Make a School? The WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 13, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland
Unseen Photo Fair Amsterdam 2021 - Fotogalleri Vasli Souza , Amsterdam, Netherlands
Piece of Amber, W Ramach Sopotu- Festival of Photography, State Gallery of Art Sopot, Poland
Reincarnation, Fotofestiwal, Łódź, Art_Inkubator, Łódź, Poland
FULLSCREEN. Pressure of the image, Fotofestiwal Łódź, OFF Piotrkowska Łódź, Poland
ING Talent Award: Resilience, A Personal Story, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Gravity of the Situation, Krakow Photo Month, Cricoteka, Kraków, Poland
Polish Paradise Cabin, POLISH PARADISE: - Kaunas Art Book Fair, Kaunas, Lithuania
Do Not Share with Anyone, Krakow Photo Month,, Poland
Slideshow PHROOM, Getxophoto - International images Festival, Getxo, Spain
Athens Photo Festival 2020 - Abzgram, Benaki Museum, Athina, Greece
Generation Z, Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2020, Noorderlicht, Netherlands
reGeneration4. The Challenges for Photography and its Museum for Tomorrow, Photo Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland
ING Unseen Talent Award - Unseen, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Łódź Film school - Pod włos, INTERPHOTO 2019, Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury, Białystok, Poland
FUTURES AT UNSEEN, AMSTERDAM ,Slideshow Futures Platform, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Slideshow Futures- Supernatural , Fotofestiwal Łódź, Poland
PAPERLUST Photobook Fest - zine exhibition, Kraków, Poland
Eating Pineapples on the Moon, The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia, Riga Photomonth, Riga , Latvia
KWAS ISSUE KWAS, Book exhibition, presenting, Athens Photo Festival 2019, Benaki Museum, Athina, Greece
Unigeo Festival, Institute of Creative Photography in Opava, Horni Becva - Czech Republic,
NIE/OCZYWISTE SPOJRZENIE- exhibition of students Lodz Film School, Ośrodek Działań Artystycznych, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
Prototypes: Limanka Fashion House. New Collection, Museum of Art in Łódź, Poland
Made in Opava, Polish students of the Institute of Creative Photography, Muzeum Historii Katowic, Poland
Do it - instruction manual for art Exhibition, Hans Ulrich Obris, Superkurator: Karolina Balke,, Jacek Laube, WI-MA, Łódź, Poland
Wymiana , W Y > OS 17 - Obrońców Stalingradu 17 - Szczecin, Poland
Terra Incognita , 6x7 Leica Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
Photography Salons, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Dresden, Germany
Znejistění paměti,, Národní technická knihovna in Prague, Praga, Czech Republic
Unigeo Festival, Horni Becva - Czech Republic
Photography Salons - Salon, Miejska Galeria Sztuki w Łodzi - Ośrodek Propagandy Sztuki, Lodz Film School/Fotofestiwal, Poland
Photography Salons: Volumes and other birds, Museum of the Art Book in Łódź, Lodz Film School/Fotofestiwal, Poland
THE FAMILY OF NO MAN Re-visioning the world through nonmale eyes, Cosmos Arles Books, Arles, France
Landskrona Foto, outdoor exhibition, Landskrona, Sweden
OPEN CALL Finalists, Photomonth in Bratislava, City Gallery under the Theater, Bratislava, Slovakia
Bez Stanika, Galeria Fiducia, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Ep1, Gallery FF/ Imaginarium - Łódź Culture Center, Łódź Film School, Poland
Ep1, Art Exhibition Office in Kielce, Film School in Łódź, Kielce, Poland
Young Polish Photography. Breaking taboo, Design Akademie in Berlin, Germany
IN THAT ONE SECOND, WE BECOME ONE WITH INFINITY. Lodz Film School, Circles of Art in China Festival ,Beijing 1+1 Art Center, China
#SHOWMEYOURUFO, Fresh from Poland, Noorderlicht Photography , Groningen, Netherlands
On the edge,- Lodz film school, Festival of New Art Słubice / Frankfurt. Germany/Poland
AVAN_GRANDA, City Art Gallery in Lodz - Art Propaganda Center, Film School in Lodz, Poland
Oczom nie wierzę, City Museum in Żory, Photography Festiwal Plener, Żory, Poland
Young Polish Photography- Breaking taboo, DGI, Denmark, Copenhagen
UFO Visual Lab - #SHOWMEYOURUFO, Gallery Szara Kamienica Kraków, Fresh From Poland,
Awangarda2.0? , Gallery of the Polish Institute in Vienna, Austria.
DER GREIF Proces 2.0, KRAKOW PHOTOMONTH 2016, Poland
Fotografia i Szaleństwo - TERRA INCOGNITA, Szklarnia II Szkoły Filmowej w Łodzi, Poland